Our Core Values



The most effective teaching is relational. Morning Glory leadership is committed to modeling Christian principles so that everyone may see our example and honor God because of our actions and behavior in the community. It is essential to this ministry that the faculty and staff have a relationship with the directors, that the students have a relationship with teachers of integrity, that the local community has a relationship with foreign visitors and volunteers, and that our students and staff maintain a presence in the community. Just as Christ took on flesh to live with his people, any Morning Glory team members come alongside people to minister to them effectively.

Biblical Integrity

We believe that God’s Word “is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16) for all people of all cultures. Morning Glory uses the Bible as its guide to determine what is correct and desirable in the lives of our students.  We teach and expect our students to respect the Bible and its principles as God’s unchanging will for their lives. Biblical education also helps us to be objective as we train young people to make decisions that honor God and help them fulfill their role in the Kingdom. 


Morning Glory believes that personal responsibility is the key to growth and maturity into completion of an individual’s potential. Often, one of the side effects of poverty is a “victim mentality” that blames others for current circumstances. People with this mentality often seek for others to give them the resources they feel they deserve in order to better their situation. Morning Glory teaches its students that they are responsible for achieving what they want in life and becoming who they want to be, despite whatever circumstance they were born into.  Hard work, perseverance, and initiative are all aspects of the personal responsibility that is vital for success in any situation.  


It’s clear that the Bible commands Christ-followers to pursue excellence in all they do (Col 3:23, 2 Cor 2:8, Ecc 9:10). Morning Glory encourages the students and community at large to do the best job they can in all their endeavors. Whether in academics, extra-curricular activities, or inter-personal relationships, we spur our students on to achieve the highest level of excellence they can. 


Poverty can cause hopelessness and apathy. Very often, impoverished families can not see the value of their life or the opportunities they have because of their talents and abilities. Morning Glory seeks to provide activities that allow children to explore their God-given gifts and refine their skills, teaching them that their circumstances do not define them. As a result, the children believe in themselves and are equipped to seek out their own future free of labels and self-doubt. They also see new possibilities of what the future may bring after the results of the other core values are apparent in their lives.

Our Beliefs

Morning Glory’s background is non-denominational/Independent Christian Church in the Restoration Movement. However, we invite people of all denominations to come and serve if they agree with and can promote the certain basic Biblical principles. You can see them using the link below.